Bhotekoshi River Rafting is regarded as one of the best short white water rafting trips in the world. It is the steepest river that is rafted in Nepal, with continuous rapid action making this river a full-on commitment and a huge adrenaline rush.
This is an ideal trip for those wanting a short but intense and thrilling rafting trip. It is better suited to those who has some previous rafting experience.
Baseri (95 km.) the main put in point for Bhote Kosi River is 4 hour drive North-East of Kathmandu. Transportation to Baseri will be by private transport. The 25 km. of river action takes two days. The road journey from the ‘Dam’ – take out point is approx. 3 hours to Kathmandu. There is an orientation meeting early in the evening before the trip, providing you with an opportunity to ask any further questions you may have, to meet your fellow rafters and also your guide.